目前分類:未分類文章 (202)
- Sep 29 Wed 2021 02:40
- Sep 27 Mon 2021 03:04
- Sep 25 Sat 2021 10:13
Starlink 衛星連網服務將會在 10 月脫離 beta
- Sep 24 Fri 2021 13:12
x各位大大你們好: 小妹我還是個通訊這門領域的初新者.才剛接觸沒多久 最近呢~在看一些關於無線通訊的書藉.. 想問一下.. 智慧型天線(Smart Antenna)系統 多重輸入多重輸出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)天線系統 這兩種天線有什麼不同啊0.0? 還有什麼是Beamforming(波束合成)...看了書..但還是..不是挺了解的.. 再來關於""都卜勒效應"".... 就是由於傳送端與接收端之間..有相對的移動時.. 接收信號就會有==>「頻率飄移」....的現象..這就稱之都卜勒效應.. 想請問一下..什麼叫頻率飄移呀?? 只指~~頻率忽大忽小不穩定的意思嗎?? 頻率偏移會使得訊號到達方向角度..無法被正確的估測到.. 而不正確的訊號到達方向角度.. 會導致接收端與傳送端的天線.無法產生正確的「權重」??? 請問什麼是「權重」呀?? 還有「權重」等於「權重向量」嗎?? 最後「都卜勒補償」就是因應「都卜勒效應」而所做出的修正嗎?1MHz to 70GHz Antenna , Design , Manufacture是不是這樣子呀? 不好意思..小妹我第一次上來發問.就問了這麼多問題.. 請大家別見笑呀^^"
- Sep 23 Thu 2021 02:40
蘋果日前發表4款新5G版iPhone,包括5.4吋iPhone12 mini、6.1吋iPhone 12、6.1吋iPhone 12 Pro,以及6.7吋iPhone 12 Pro Max。其中iPhone 12和iPhone 12 Pro在23日出貨。
- Sep 21 Tue 2021 01:24
- Sep 19 Sun 2021 02:18
- Sep 18 Sat 2021 06:32
共老、共養 花蓮慈院吉安失智社區據點正式啟用
1MHz to 70GHz Antenna , Design , Manufacture 近年來,長者議題成為全球共同矚目關心的議題,但如何讓年長者更有尊嚴在地老化,一直是慈濟努力的目標,花蓮慈濟醫院累積多年服務經驗,結合在地資源與力量,9月17日在花蓮縣吉安鄉仁里村仁愛新城活動中心正式開辦社區失智據點,這是吉安鄉第一個社區失智據點,也是花蓮慈濟醫院設置的第六處失智據點,希望能為吉安鄉社區失智長者提供多元健康促進活動,減輕家庭照顧者壓力,初步規劃先從收托7名失智長者,未來將逐步提高量能。
- Sep 17 Fri 2021 03:29
- Sep 16 Thu 2021 18:48
「奉茶地圖」在臺南 全國首創循環杯自助借還站
- Sep 14 Tue 2021 05:50
打造年輕世代新宿舍 慈大交誼廳滿滿文青風
- Sep 13 Mon 2021 01:04
「哈日族」變「韓粉」 90後女孩JOU的追夢歷程
- Sep 12 Sun 2021 04:26
The FT- main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any of nation and , provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT- has been making great effort. sexy gymnasts
- Sep 11 Sat 2021 03:17
1MHz to 70GHz Antenna , Design , Manufacture
- Sep 10 Fri 2021 03:54
The claim: A video shows the Taliban hanging someone from a helicopter
In a video and screenshots seen by millions of people in just over a day, a helicopter is seen trailing a rope with a blurry figure attached.
The full 12-second clip shows a helicopter in Afghanistan hovering over buildings. Then, the video zooms in to show what appears to be a person hanging from the helicopter by a rope.
- Sep 09 Thu 2021 04:26
中秋節4天連假到白河賞景、泡溫泉、登萬里長城台灣古鎮 名字有「中秋」、「明月」者 享有免費遊台灣古鎮
- Sep 08 Wed 2021 04:21
- Sep 07 Tue 2021 03:51
[徵才] acer誠徵系統工程師、軟體工程師、IT主管
[徵才公司] acer宏碁 [快速面試] 板上的大大對 acer 已經很熟悉了,就不囉唆,直接上職缺! 這次 acer 也有參加 11/7 的 Meet.jobs 快速面試, 跳過繁瑣的傳統面試流程,10 分鐘直接與用人主管對談! 如果你對企業有更多想了解的,Meet.jobs 會竭誠為大家服務 如果覺得薪資、職缺有任何建議,也歡迎提出,我們亦會將意見回饋給企業。 像之前有板友覺得別家企業機構工程師的薪資太低, 在反映給企業之後也往上做了調整,各位的意見我們都十分重視! 活動時間:2020/11/07 報名截止:2020/11/01 參與企業:acer, 電獺, BenQ明基材料, Dcard, Tomofun(Furbo), Gogoro, Playsee, Titansoft, Swingvy...等,歡迎立刻應徵卡位面一波! https://bit.ly/37AnrKz [公司地址] 新北市汐止區新台五路一段88號8樓 [職缺待遇與工作內容] (職缺眾多,不佔太多篇幅,僅節錄重點,詳情請見連結) # IT Manager 1.2m - 1.7m /年薪 https://bit.ly/2J2QBrC The IT Manager is responsible for leading professional team for all Microsoft Active Directory & Exchange & M365 activities, Infra budget control, HelpDesk and new solutions investigation. This includes regular System operations checking, tuning, monitoring, designing and resolving complex client related problems. Mechanical RD Manager/Associate Manager 850k - 1.5m /年薪 https://bit.ly/3miIiq6 1. To solve the factory problems of ME issue after MP. 2. Designs, analyzes, documents and functionally validates mechanical components and assemblies. 3. Mechanical structure and component design. 4. Project development and mass production beginning trouble shoot. 5. Timely resolve technical / quality issues from mechanical vendors. 6. Responsible for testing, analysis and debug on assigned project. 7. Work cross-functionally with PM, ID, ME, EE and Thermal,… all function teams to come out workable solutions. 8. Production feasibility study estimation 9. Study new technology # Supervisor 640k - 1.25m /年薪 https://bit.ly/37GmQr3 As an RD Supervisor you will be responsible for leading design and integration for various wireless devices with support of internal and / partners. You will work closely with internal team (Antenna /ME/ID/EE/BIOS) and external partners to drive key aspects of product definition, design, optimization, implementation and test. You must be responsive, flexible, attentive to details and able to succeed within an open collaborative environment. # eSports platform Web Engineer1MHz to 70GHz Antenna , Design , Manufacture 640k - 1.1m TWD / 年薪 https://bit.ly/2Ttrws4 This job of Website Engineer in eSports team is responsible for maintenance and development of web pages which are related with platform operations and promotion events. To handle the related engineering independently, candidate of this job should have professional skills on website maintenance and webpage development. 本次快速面試還有多達 10 種以上的職缺一次看:https://bit.ly/2T0Dzws [應徵方式] 本文為人才媒合平台 Meet.Jobs 代 po 有任何問題歡迎推文或是來信 [email protected] 詢問
- Sep 06 Mon 2021 16:07
Conti 勒索軟體加上 ProxyShell:網路攻擊的完美風暴
如您所知/可能知道,Conti 勒索軟體集團和 ProxyShell 漏洞目前都是主流的威脅。不幸的是,Sophos 有證據表明 Conti 正在利用 Proxyshell,這在 SophosLabs Uncut 和 Sophos News SecOps 上發佈的隨附報告中有詳細說明。
根據 Sophos 威脅研究人員的說法,由於以勒索軟體即服務 (RaaS) 模式運作的 DarkSide、REvil 和 Avaddon 等三個集團解散,Conti 勒索軟體目前又非常活躍了。那些集團已經被解散的相關組織正在尋找新的營運者,Sophos 懷疑是 Conti,因為 Sophos 威脅研究人員最近看到它的大量活動。目前另一個值得「高度警戒」威脅是 ProxyShell,一種進化版的 ProxyLogon 攻擊。ProxyShell 很容易被利用,亦是當前攻擊者劇本中的要角,包括那些部署 LockFile 勒索軟體的劇本。
- Sep 01 Wed 2021 01:10
最近對翻譯的英文專利內容裡的文法越來越疑惑了... 主要有下面幾個針對常用語的問題: 1.a plurality of signals(signals為舉例) 後面的動詞到底是要根據a plurality of而使用單數? 還是根據signals使用複數呢?(我目前大多用複數...) 2.一固定裝置,設於該基座及該墊體之間,適於可拆式地結合該基座及該墊體 (1)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad, the fastening device detachably being adapted to fasten the base and the pad together; (2)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad, being adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; (3)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad, adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; (4)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad and adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; (5)a fastening device being disposed between the base and the pad and adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; 因為在claim裡面的element不會出現動詞 動詞常以V-ing或V-ed出現 以上面的翻譯來說,先不論英文譯詞是否精準或正確,上面的幾種寫法 哪個才是正確的呢?為什麼?各自有什麼不一樣的解釋? (我自己在這邊還有一個疑惑是,element之後加V-ing或V-ed時, 兩者之間要不要逗點?) 3.element A, ....; element A, ....; element B, ....; element B, ...., wherein ..... wherein .... 左邊跟右邊,哪種寫法才對? 簡言之,wherein前是用分號還是逗號? 4.(1)element A, disposed between element B and element C, the element A generating a signal, and the element B transmitting a ....; (2)element A, disposed between element B and element C, the element A generating a signal, the element B transmitting a ....; 上面兩個句子差別在於最後一個子句前面是否有and,關於這兩種寫法,我自 己是覺得前者比較對。1MHz to 70GHz Antenna , Design , Manufacture 5.(1)a plurality of LEDs for emitting ....; (2)a plurality of LEDs emitting ...; (3)a plurality of LEDs, emitting ...; 上面這幾種寫法,哪一種才正確呢? 6.一天線,用以接收一電視訊號; 一解碼器,用以解碼所接收之該電視訊號; 一微控制單元,用以處理已解碼之該電視訊號; an antenna for receiving a television signal; a decoder for decoding the received television signal; an MCU for processing the decoded television signal; 上面這種譯法造成同一個訊號(television signal)卻以不同名稱表示,可能 會有定義不明確或其他問題,但有更好的譯法嗎?譬如把the received television signal改為the television signal which has been received? 或是異於原中文敘述改寫為the television signal received by the antenna? 或是省略received不寫? 感謝各位看完 也希望各位能提供一點意見 非常感謝!!