戴姆勒·克萊斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)以梅賽德斯·賓士(Mercedes-Benz)品牌G向公眾提供一系列運動型多功能車。 梅賽德斯通常被稱為G-Wagen,是Geländewagen(或越野車)的縮寫,它在1970年代後期獲得了該車的軍事合同,並於1979年向公眾提供了民用版本。
The Mercedes-Benz G-Class, sometimes called G-Wagon (short for Geländewagen, "terrain vehicle"), is a four-wheel drive automobile manufactured by Magna Steyr (formerly Steyr-Daimler-Puch) in Austria and sold by Mercedes-Benz. Originally developed as a military off-roader, And in 1979 provided the civilian version to the public.
義大利(italrei) 代號3640的模型,早期G-Wagenu義大利也出過一款達卡拉力賽車,但是跟這版本不一樣的地方多了後座位置,中控少了副駕的把手,當然民用版的少了防滾籠還有一些燈組模板抽掉。
Italeri has put two civilian versions in the 2019 annual calendar product table, #3640 is divided into two (blue car color and white car color), it is probably the version that put the light part back.
If this car is only completed according to the instructions, it will be quite boring. Under this situation, it is better to modify the car into a more modern appearance; I originally wanted to change it more drastically and turn it into the same G-Wagen system. It is produced by the French car manufacturer PEUGEOT P4, but the long-axis version of the P4 is really rare, so we still add many new settings in the appearance of a Mercedes:
1.改輪框 換輪胎 增寬輪拱。雖說改完後車高沒啥變化,至少看起來年輕不少 1. Change the wheel frame, change the tires, and widen the wheel arches.
2.改水箱罩。換成2019年G63的水箱罩的樣貌 2. Change the water tank cover. The appearance of the water tank cover replaced by the 2019 G63
3.增加樓梯跟登車踏板。 3. Add stairs and boarding pedals.
4.增加絞盤和天線。 4. Increase winch and antenna.
5.後門可開。5. The back door can be opened.
6.移除後霧燈。6. Remove the rear fog lamp.
7.增加擋泥板。7. Increase the mudguard.
因此新樣貌變成這樣↓↓ So the new look becomes like this↓↓
Later I felt that something was missing... and then it continued to increase
8.車頂板架 8. Roof frame
9.把輪胎放在板架上 9. Put the tires on the plate rack
10.板架增加LED燈架 10. Add LED light stand to the board frame
就變成這樣↓↓ It becomes like this↓↓
1MHz to 70GHz Antenna , Design , Manufacture
是不是比原來的設計好看不少呢? Much better than the original design?
本文出自: https://kiwimp21.pixnet.net/blog/post/353422120-mercedes-benz-g230FT-RF Antenna